County Buildings

Uniformed officers of the Patrol Services Division (PSD) are charged with the security of the county office building in White Plains – the seat of county government – as well as the county’s Department of Social Services offices located throughout Westchester. 

PSD officers handle calls to Social Services housing developments including the Coachman Hotel in White Plains. Officers assigned to patrol these facilities make regular inspections and monitor the safety needs of management and clientele. 

The PSD regularly patrols the main campus of Westchester Community College (WCC) in Greenburgh. A college that serves over 20,000 full, part-time and continuing education students requires the same community policing efforts as a town. The PSD works with campus security to maintain order within the bustling college environment. High-profile vehicle and foot patrols by uniformed PSD officers at WCC enhance the level of safety provided by private security.  

The 512-acre Westchester County campus (Grasslands Reservation) in Valhalla is home to the:

Ongoing, round-the-clock patrols by the PSD continue to yield positive results and an uncompromised sense of security on the campus.