Cortlandt Patrol

Patrol services in the Town of Cortlandt are provided from the North Command precinct, located at Cortlandt Town Hall. Officers assigned to patrol Cortlandt share that responsibility with the New York State Police in an effective working partnership. 

Patrol Services Division (PSD) officers in Cortlandt have gained the confidence of town residents by effectively addressing community concerns. PSD officers work along with citizens in a cooperative effort to develop solutions to community problems. 

The PSD’s participation in an "Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws" (EUDL) grant illustrates its resolve to address community issues. The PSD is now a charter member of the Cortlandt Coalition that oversaw the success of the EUDL grant and now administers "The Communities That Care" Grant. 

The PSD's positive impact on the Town of Cortlandt demonstrates the ongoing success of the department’s community policing model.

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