STOP-DWI: Drinking and Driving Don't Mix
STOP-DWI is part of the Westchester County Dept. of Public Safety
The STOP-DWI (Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated) program was enacted by the New York State Legislature in 1981 for the purpose of empowering county governments to coordinate local efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug-related traffic crashes. The comprehensive and financially self-sustaining alcohol and highway safety program is based on the philosophy that innovative local efforts are the key to solving drinking/drugging driving problems.
Westchester County’s STOP-DWI Program develops and coordinates a well-rounded DWI countermeasures program that prioritizes general deterrence and the prevention of drunk driving through the increased certainty of arrest and conviction. To that end, STOP-DWI funds extra police patrols that are dedicated to DWI enforcement. The program also provides specialized testing equipment and offers training for law enforcement and community agencies. The District Attorney's office receives funds to hire an additional prosecutor who specializes in DWI cases. STOP-DWI also supports the Westchester County Probation Department in dealing with recidivist DWI offenders. In addition, STOP-DWI funds public awareness campaigns to heighten awareness and educate the public about the dangers of drunk driving and the consequences that come with it.
Key Initiatives
We all know that drinking and driving is a hazardous combination, and the penalties are strict. Young drivers, especially, lose their driving skills more quickly. Each year during Prom season, the county launches its Prom Safety Initiative, a multi-faceted effort to keep students safe and sober. As part of this initiative, students can experience the dangers of impaired driving firsthand through the county’s new computer-based driving simulator.
The Victim Impact Panel is an awareness program for offenders convicted of a misdemeanor for driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Every year in the fall, the monthly meetings are set for the next year's Victim Impact Panel program.
The Social Host Law, enacted by the county Board of Legislators, provides penalties (fines and even jail time) to adults who host drinking parties for their underage children. This law holds parents and other adults accountable for underage drinking that goes on in their homes.
Traffic safety programs
Parents and teachers, should check out the county driving simulators and county traffic safety programs, particularly the "Save Your Face, Click It or Ticket" program designed to educate teens to use seat belts. In fact, police are cracking down on texting while driving. Besides being a dangerous activity to perform while driving, it's against the law. New studies show that drivers overestimate their ability to multitask behind the wheel.
Try your hand at the "Gauging Your Distraction" game as featured in a series of articles, Driven to Distraction, in the Technology Section of the New York Times Web site. This game measures how your reaction time is affected by external distractions. Regardless of your results, the bottom line is that you should not text when driving.
Family Day
Family Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday of Sept. each year. This program encourages parents to take the time to eat dinner with their children. Parents need to understand that parental engagement fostered during frequent family dinners is an effective tool to help keep America’s kids substance-free.