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Victim Impact Panel Program

The DWI Victim Impact Panel Program is an awareness program for offenders convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The panels consist of a non-confrontational presentation consisting of crime victims telling their own personal stories of how impaired drivers forever changed their lives. The panel presents a unique perspective to the offender that is often overlooked or simply cannot be taught by the courts and the DWI offender schools.

Attendance at the VIP is mandatory as a condition of probation or as part of a conditional discharge sentence for DWI offenders.

There is a fee of $100 for those directed to be there by courts or Probation; $20 for guests. A guest can be any high school or college student/group as well as relatives of the offenders.

View the monthly Thursday meeting dates. These dates are set at the beginning of every year.

The VIP is provided in collaboration with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), our valued partner in educating the community on the risks presented by driving while impaired.

For additional information, read the FAQs or call (914) 995-8338.