Section 105 - Use of Force - Weapons

Nine Chapters

To establish policy for the use of physical force, including Deadly Physical Force, by Sworn Members, in the performance of their official duties.

To establish procedures for the proper use of the expandable straight police baton.

To establish procedures for the proper use of oleoresin capsicum (“O.C.”) aerosol spray.

To establish procedures for the proper use of the Pelargonic Acid Vallinylamide (“PAVA”) launcher.

To establish procedures for the proper use of the Conductive Energy Device (“CED”).

To establish procedures for the proper use of the patrol rifle.

To establish procedures for the proper use of the shotgun.

To establish standards for firearms and ammunition authorized for use by Sworn Members.

To establish procedures for the reporting and investigation of unintended discharges of weapons by Sworn Members.

To establish procedures for the proper use of Remote Restraint Devices.